- Updating membership
Teams change, and your organization must reflect those changes. Whether you're shifting roles or changing membership, Activities has you covered.
- Prioritizing activities
Got an important activity? More important than the others? Prioritize them. All activities are given a Normal priority level. Changing it makes an activity easier to find, and more likely to get done.
- Copying an activity
Have an activity that you want to reuse, but not often enough to warrant a template? Copy it, and you'll be added as the new owner of an exact replica.
- Creating and editing a template
Find yourself creating the same activity over and over? Never again. Build a reusable template to save your formatting and membership for later. A new template is an exact copy of the activity that you made it from. All of your sections, entries, to-dos, and who they're assigned to are carried over. You can edit these traits directly from the template, or wait until you start another activity to get revising. Finally, when you finish tweaking, add your template to favorites for easy access.
- Linking to a single entry
Have a favorite entry that you want to save or share? Open an entry as its own web page so you can capture the link.
- Saving an activity as a spreadsheet
Need your activity as a spreadsheet? No problem. You can move your content into a spreadsheet by saving the activity as a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file.