Find out more
When you start a community, make it clear what kind of a group you are forming by giving the community a meaningful name and description.
You can also tag your community so that people can see what the community is about.
Go to the My Organization Communities page to see a filtered list of the existing tags.
Choose any tags that might apply to your community, if you do not see any relevant tags create your own.

Provide a meeting of the minds
Communities are groups of people with a common interest. A public community is available for all to join, while a restricted community is restricted to a particular group. A community provides a central spot for users to stay in touch, share information, and exchange ideas.
Find a community that works for you
Browse or search for communities of interest to you. Click a tag in the tag cloud to find communities tagged with a specific keyword. You can also browse by categories such as Recent (recently updated), Popular, and Alphabetical. When you join a community, you can view bookmarked information, connect with other members, and subscribe to feeds to keep informed.
Find out moreGive your community the tools it needs
As a community owner, you can make different types of functionality available to members by adding widgets from the content palette. The choice of widgets that you can add to a community depends on what your administrator has made available. Click Add Apps to open the content palette and see what you can add to your community.
Find out moreReady to share? Start a community!
Whether you are forming a project team, researching an emerging technology, or looking for people who share your love of a hobby, a community is a great way to reach out, get organized, and start sharing information. As a community owner, you can manage the content and membership for the community.
Find out moreGive your community some personality
Import a logo or graphic to give your community the look you want. You might use a corporate logo to tie all communities together, or use unique graphics to visually identify each community. Change the colors and fonts used in your community by applying a theme. You can choose from the default themes provided or select a custom theme if custom themes are available.
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